
E-mail: Tel: 07795 342639 Jayne Darling, Arnold, Nottingham,

Tag: damaris jean

Woodhall Spa 1940s Weekend

A little late doing this post – have been so busy!

Woodhall Spa 1940s weekend in Lincolnshire was as busy as usual.  The organisers estimate they had 45,000 visitors over the weekend – which is amazing.

On the Saturday I was performing outside the Book Fayre on the Broadway where we had a really good crown some familiar faces included Gary and Dave (the photographers), Pete Hibbard and Grahame Barrass.  Following this in the afternoon we skipped across to the Inn for the evening set.

Here we were to do 2 sets of 45 minutes up to 8 pm at which point Steve Green and Damaris Jean were to continue with the evening.  There were some familiar faces in the crowd from last year and plenty of dancers around.

This year we made the decision to stay over night as our friend Helen had found a great little B & B just outside of Tattersall – we even managed to fit Jim Purdey in the car!

Sunday was another lovely day and we joined Amanda, Steve and Lucy from the 40s Homefront on the bandstand in the park.  I would have loved to have caught up with my fellow tall singer Paula Marie AKA The Vintage Vocalist but it’s impossible to get around.

Lots of highlights from the weekend but as always the flyover makes this event extra special.

See you next year folks!