
E-mail: Tel: 07795 342639 Jayne Darling, Arnold, Nottingham,

Category: Commemorations

22 June – Remembering D-Day

Remembering D-Day 1944Remembering D-Day 1944

A concert to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the largest sea borne invasion in history.

in All Hallows Church, Gedling, Nottingham
at 7.00pm on 22nd June 2019

Readings, Poems, Drama and Song Performed by Netherfield Bank Community Choir, Mike Storr, The Prospect Players, ‘Marlene’ Jayne Darling and join in a Sing-a-long

FREE Admission ~ donations invited for Daybrook ‘Men in Sheds’ Project

Boom, Belgium – The 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Boom

I am thrilled to be returning to Belgium to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Boom.  I will be performing in the Market Square on Saturday 7th September 2019 at 2 pm. Jayne Darling performs in Boom, Belgium

Radcliffe RBL D-Day Commemoration June 9th

Radcliffe Royal British Legion Club D-Day Commemoration

Sunday 9th June 20Radcliffe on Trent Royal British Legion D-Day Commemoration 19 7.00 pm
Doors Open 6.30 pm

An evening of Nostalgic music from the 1940s to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings featuring Nottingham based 1940’s singer Jayne Darling

Tickets are £5 in advance from the club or Pen2Paper or £6 on the door

Proceeds go to the Poppy Appeal

Call 0115 9110 181 for further information or to book tickets


A Nations Tribute at Owd Martha’s Yard Hoyland’s Community Garden.

A Nations Tribute at Owd Martha’s Yard Hoyland’s Community Garden.

11/11/18 will be the 100 years anniversary of the ending of the First World War.
Up and down the country beacon fires will be lit, just like they did 100 years ago to symbolise the light and hopes of peace.
Hoyland did have a beacon, so volunteers at Owd Martha’s have successfully crowd funded and commissioned local artists Alex Dodson to design and make the beacon.
So when the sun goes down we will remember them. Last post to be at 6.55. The lighting of the beacon 7.00 and at 7.05 church bells will peel.
After the bells stop ringing we are to go the near by Belmont Club to entertained by Jayne Darling a vintage will perform War time classic’s. Funds raised on the night to be donated to Hoyland Branch of the Royal British Legion.

RAF Scampton Battle of Britain Dining in Night

September 15th is marked as the commemoration day for the Battle of Britain so memorials were taking across the country both at RAF bases and in cities.


Service of Commemoration – Gunthorpe , Nottingham
Service of Commemoration – Gunthorpe , Nottingham

On October 1st 2017, 9.30 am I have been invited to sing Requiem for a Soldier as part of a commemoration led by David Moore to remember those lost when a Lancaster Bomber crashed near Gunthorpe.  Would be lovely to see people there.
