
E-mail: Tel: 07795 342639 Jayne Darling, Arnold, Nottingham,

March 6| Thurmaston WMC

March 6th 2020

1940 Wartime Live Entertainer Jayne Darling & Live Duo Kimika

AOM Productions and events are putting on this fabulous evening at the Thurmaston Progressive WMC in Thurmaston Village, Leicester.
It’s part of the VE75 celebrations and will include the wonderful 1940’s style female entertainer Jayne Darling plus Nick & Tina ‘Kimika’ in a night of fun, laughter, dancing, bingo and a raffle with fabulous prizes which will result in a donation to the Royal British Legion.
At just £10 per person, it’s fantastic value for such a full night of entertainment plus cold buffet
See the poster advert for information on how to pay for and reserve your seat.

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