
E-mail: Tel: 07795 342639 Jayne Darling,ย Arnold,ย Nottingham,

Gainsborough Armed Forces Day 2019

Gainsborough Armed Forces Day

11 am – 9 pm

Armed Forces and Community Day Marshalls Sports Ground, Middlefield Lane, Gainsborough, DN21 1UU | 07985597151
Jayne Darling will be performing 8 – 9 pm

During the day there will be:
* Free Children’s Activities
* Fair rides and games
* Information and craft stalls
* Displays and reenactments

The event is free to attend, between 11 & 5pm we will have stalls, entertainment, free bouncy castles and climbing wall, war re-enactments, crafts, 3pm act of remembrance, military vehicles and more. 5-9 will be stage entertainment and catering with a bring a blanket/chairs party in the park type atmosphere.

Gainsborough Armed Forces Day 2019

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