
E-mail: Tel: 07795 342639 Jayne Darling, Arnold, Nottingham,

Best of Thorne 1940s Weekend

Jayne Darling | Best of Thorne 2017

A few people had been telling me about the event at Thorne and how much they enjoyed it so a few weeks ago I dropped a call into the organiser to introduce myself with a view to the 2018 event only to be called back a couple of hours later to see if I was available for Sunday 14th May.  As some of my closest ‘entertainer’ friends were also there and it being fairly local I jumped at the chance to get involved.

Jayne Darling 1940s Entertainer | SingerDarren packed up the car early and set off for sunny Thorne with a hope to arrive just before lunch – Darren had made enough tea and coffee to last us the week – in fact as I write this he is still getting through it.  It was also a good hair day for both of us – Darren had had a trim by Marcus at A J Richardson and my foam roller set had worked a charm – it’s always hit and miss for me!

The location itself was easy to find and as soon as we pulled up in the car we were greeted by several friends who had congregated in the market place included Matt Waterfield from the National Emergency Services Museum in Sheffield who I haven’t seen in almost two years.

We were introduced to the team at TMCR – a local community radio station – who very kindly offered us the use of their equipment which was a huge help.  Although we had checked the weather forecast we had come prepared and it was looking good!  We parked the car and headed down to the Market Place where we had chance to have a quick drink and catch up with the wonderful Johnny Victory who was performing in the Old Vault.

Jayne Darling & Grahame Barrass 1940s Entertainer | SingerWe started around 1 pm with the delightful Grahame Barrass singing his Leaning on a Lamp Post whilst actually leaning on a lamp post.  Grahame attends so many 40s events and it’s always a joy to see him.  My set was just about an hour and after we had finished we hot footed it up to the Information Hub for the rest of the afternoon where Linda (one of the organisers) was decamped.

Just enough time for a quick picnic (courtesy of Darren) which consisted of crab paste sandwiches never the less.  After the raffle had finished we started our second set of the day.  A few adjustments were in order to the set as we had quite a few little ones in the hall so I did some more dance based numbers and had them all marching around for ‘Pack up your Troubles’ .  The room was decorated really well with actual sandbags and hoards of Union Jack bunting.

Jayne Darling | Best of Thorne 2017 The afternoon seemed to fly by and before we knew it we were off back to Nottingham.  This was a really lovely event that we thoroughly enjoyed – made more so by the organisers who were very down to earth and seemingly quite chilled out considering the undertaking the weekend was.  The event seemed to be a huge success.

I wore my Seamstress of Bloomsbury reproduction dress teamed with an original 1940s jacket, I also brought a hat to wear but decided last minute not to wear it as it was quite windy.

See you all back in the past soon!

Jayne x

Jayne Darling – Vintage Singer 
Tel: 0115 905 6224
Follow me on Twitter @JayneDarling1
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YouTube: JayneDarling



One Comment

  1. Grahame Barrass
    Enjoyed reading the story of your day in Thorne Jayne with Darren . I have to say had it not been for the Thorne event I would not have got involved in the Re enacting scene , as myself & Lesley had only recently moved into Thorne after vacating a Lock Keepers cottage that I worked from that the company no longer had a use of .my links with Thorne are very strong as its the birthplace of my Mum & grandparents .Mam as us Yorkshire folk would say during the War told me of stories looking after evacuees from Hull whilst supporting the War effort. Dad who spent most of his courting years in Thorne from nearby Stainforth were I was born & served in the local Voluntary Fire Service .Back to the 1940s event at Thorne it was back in 2015 were my re enacting interest took off as both RAF & USAAF aircrew if you pardon the Pun unaware of what was happening that day, came across people in Wartime attire That was enough to start me on the venture back in time ,especially being brought up to the sounds of George Formby Glenn Miller &the Andrews sisters.Whatever peoples views Thorne always provides an abundance of wartime entertainers throughout the town from near and far at various venues yourself included ,always nice for to see you & Darren for a natter .
    Reply January 13, 2019 at 9:46 am

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